Hilltop Face Painting

Face Painting in Gympie and surrounding areas,

including Sunshine Coast and Maryborough.

Experienced face painting for children's birthdays, fast painting for busy events, glitter bar, adults face painting, neck/shoulder/arm designs, glitter tattoos, themed designs or corporate special occasions.

Hilltop Face Painting offers a skilled and professional face painting service with high quality painting, hygiene, professional equipment and face paints, blue card, PLI and diploma of graduation with International Face Painting School.


Face Painting   --   $100 per hourr

Discounted rate for private parties/small business in Gympie area - $80 per hr

Minimum of 2 hours

Travel fees may apply to surrounding areas

 Reviews and more photos on  Facebook

© 2021 Hilltop Face Painting, Gympie and Surrounding Areas
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